Botanical Facials

Specially designed Anti-Aging , Stress-reducing, Hydrating & Cleansing Botanical Facials. Not just skin rejuvenating, but healing and relaxing for the whole body!

Aroma Drops

Essential Oils and aromatherapy have been practiced by ancient civilizations not only helping the body with modern ailments but numerous usages. Combining Aromatherapy with upper body massage and reflex points. A healing sensory relaxation treatment.

Brain Tap

Gently guides the brain from the chronic and destructive fight-or-flight state into deep relaxation, naturally restoring the parasympathetic balance, which is often all that’s needed to achieve mental harmony, better health, and an exceptional quality of life.

Sound Therapy & Biofield Tuning

Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of homeostasis, harmony and health. CBD added for benefits.

Crystal Bio Mat Infrared Session

A wonderful, warming experience. We use infrared, ions, sound, essential oil blends, hot or cold towels and crystals to amplify your healing session.

Combine with Brain Tap or Aroma Drops: additional $20

To schedule an Appointment Call: (530) 433-4887